Leak-free urine collector

Caring for male patients with urinary catheters, especially after surgery, poses numerous challenges for nursing staff.


Due to the self-lubricating nature of the urethral mucosa, some fluid constantly leaks around the catheter, soiling both the patient’s clothing and bed linen.


The CathCup collector is effective in preventing linen soiling, cross-contamination and unpleasant care situations by stopping the leakage of urine, blood and other fluids around the catheter.


The CathCup urine collection collector consists of a highly absorbent eXsorb pad with a capacity of up to 50 ml by converting the liquid into gel.




» Improves patient hygiene and protects their privacy


» Helps nursing staff save time and resources by making catheter care (several times a day) quick, clean and easy, while reducing linen changes.


» With CathCup, no additional fluid-absorbing products are required. This reduces costs and increases profitability.

» Technical Data


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